Because you can!

Hey my loves! Let me share with you some amazing quotes that motivates me everyday to kick start your week. 
"I wouldn't consider myself anymore talented than the next person. 
Where I may differ though, is the amount of work I put into my practice.
Talent mean nothing if you're lazy.
Dedication however,
Is gold". #Lamise
"It's not what you looking at that matters, 
It's what you see.
Look for the beauty in all that surrounds you and
you will always live someplace beautiful" _Unknown
" There is a certain liveliness
that sparks within us, 
when we do things
that we truly enjoy.
And though that bit of life, you find passion
You find true art,
That which comes from your heart. -Lamise
  "Miracles do exist, 
you're ONE"!